Eriko's Story
"Celebrate cancer with pink and bling."
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I thought that was it. But here I am today and the truth is my breast cancer made me feel like a sexier person, because I was forced to become in tune with my body. I had no choice. That's because when I got the diagnosis, I wasn't going to give up. I wasn't ready; it wasn't my time. I would count the days when I knew my treatment would be over. I had a calendar and I marked backwards. "OK, when this week comes, I know it's the last week." And then I knew I could celebrate. And what I did was ask my husband, "Can you buy me something pink and a little bling to honor it?" And he did.
"I bought silk Thai pajamas."
While I was going through breast cancer treatment, which was hell, I would set these little mini-goals. one of them was, on Fridays, when I knew my radiation treatment was over for the weekend, I would drive right over to my favorite restaurant, get something to go, run home and take a nap or a bubble bath.
Some of the other things that helped me get through breast cancer treatment and to make me feel like I was still a woman was a gift from one of my girlfriends who flew to Thailand often. She said, "I have the gift for you--I'm going to buy silk Thai pajamas for you and I know you'll love them." And when she gave them to me I thought, "Oh, I don't want to wear anything like that. It's like too much fabric against my skin" because I was still very, very sensitive. My scar was still healing. But now, those silk pajamas are my favorite ones, because they make me feel very sexy and pretty!
"I'm a new person."
My style blossomed after I finished treatment. I wanted to do cartwheels, and basically give everyone a hug. I mean, I can't say I completely got rid of the cancer cells. No one knows that for sure, even after five years. But I'm always thinking, "I can still make it through if I have to go through this again," because now I know what to expect. Before, I didn't know what to expect, and the unknown was scary.
"No more khakis."
Since my treatment, my sense of style has become much more colorful. Greens, blues, pinks, sensual fabrics--things that make me feel like a woman. Before I was diagnosed, I would just wear things that were comfortable. Khaki pants, solid colors, and I felt like, "I don't really care because I'm comfortable." And I would wear shoes that, my husband says, are old lady shoes. Now, I'm always wearing clothes that are more form-fitted. I love to wear skirts, and I didn't before.
"My advice to other women."
My Swedish mother-in-law had some great advice. She says: Live life without regrets and to live life without fear, because life is too short. If you don't do the things you wanted to do, you will regret it, so do them now. Breast cancer put me in touch with my body because it was going through a terrible transformation with the radiation and the surgery that I had to go through. I knew I was still alive at the end, and I could continue living. And live and cherish every day.